Dental hygiene procedures encompasses a number of different techniques with the goal of eliminating dental plaque which naturally forms on the surface of teeth. It's elimination helps prevent periodontal disease. Dental bacteria is responsible for the initial irritation and inflammation and bleeding of the gums if not controlled. This situation will become a periodontitis with progressive bone loss (see periodontal treatments)

In the dental hygiene procedure we can include scaling and prophylaxis consests in the removal of dental plaque and stains accumulated in the teeth. Scaling contests in the removal of tartar (hardened dental plaque). Contrary to plaque, tartar cannot be removed with simple tooth brushing and flossing.


Scellant puits et fissure

Ceci est l'application d'une mince couche de scellant sur la surface occlusale (dans les sillons) des molaires et prémolaires afin de prévenir la formation de carie dentaire.
