Extraction of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth or third molars are the last teeth to develop in the oral cavity. Today, there is frequently a lack of space for the emergence of wisdom teeth. a wisdom tooth that is impacted (below the gum) or semi impacted (partially emerged above the gum line) may cause serious problems such as pain, infections, stress and displacement of teeth as well as may cause damage to adjacent teeth. Other complications are cysts and tumors due to impacted wisdom teeth.

Before determining whether wisdom teeth need to be removed, the dentist will require dental examination with the appropriate radiograph as well as have a medical questionnaire filled out.

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Torus removal

A torus is a local bony expansion which is benign and slow growing. It should be removed if it causes an interference, an injury or prior to the making of a complete or partial denture. It may be located in the center of the palate or even at the exterieur border of the upper maxillary ridges. In the mandible it can be located in the inferior border, unilateral or bilaterally.


Frenectomy : removal of a frenum


There are a number of buccal frenums in the mouth : near the premolars as well as the upper and lower frenums situated between the maxillary and mandibular central incisors. There are also the lingual frenums. A frenectomy or removal of a frenum is generally required to reduce tension on the mucosa or when the tongue extension is limited.

Le frein antérieure et supérieure sont souvent réduits chez l’enfant quand l’insertion est basse ou entre les deux centrales. Pour favoriser la fermeture d’un espace. Une freinectomie linguale ou réduction du frein est nécessaire lorsqu’il y a un problème phonétique ou une extension limitée de la langue.
