A crown is a replica of a tooth. It is cimented on the existing roots of the teeth. It replaces a tooth that is damaged, caried, broken or discolored as well as a tooth that has had a root canal. It covers and protects it by re-establishing it form and shape. The material used may vary from gold, zirconium or porcelaine. A crown resembles a natural tooth in shape, color and fonction. A bridge also called fixed bridge is a dental restauration that replaces one or more missing teeth.
A bridge is firmly maintained in place by the teeth on each side of the missing teeth. A bridge supported by implants is possible to replace an edentulous space, this is generally independant and does not touch the natural adjacent teeth. There are different types of bridges, for exemple the butterfly bridge. This constitutes a suspended tooth that is cimented by way of onlay retainers on the inside surface of the adjacent teeth. Certain restrictions exist and a recimentation may be required over time.
butterfly bridge